The Industry Leader In Teaching Children
For more than 50 years, Jhoon Rhee Tae Kwon Do has led the industry in teaching children, helping thousands of kids in the D.C. area develop confidence, build self-esteem, and learn life skills that last forever.
Arlington Kick Programs
KneeHigh Ninja Program (starting at age 4)
In addition to Tae Kwon Do basics, our KneeHigh Ninja Program emphasizes life skills and basic good habits, such as attention, respect, and self-discipline. We reward students for doing their best and having a great attitude—not only in our classes, but also at home and in their school.
Junior Program
Like our KneeHigh Ninjas, older students in our Junior Program are taught a combination of Tae Kwon Do fundamentals and general life skills. The goal is not only to enhance physical and motor skill development, but also to build character and confidence.
Adaptive TKD Program
Here at Jhoon Rhee Arlington, we have also developed a unique program designed specifically for children with special needs. This program “adapts” the standard Tae Kwon Do techniques and teaching strategies to best suit the specific needs of each student. The class is structured for children who have Autism Spectrum Disorders or other Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities.
Martial Arts Weapons and Competition Programs
Traditionally, the Korean Art of Tae Kwon Do does not typically implement the use of Martial Arts weapons. However, Jhoon Rhee Arlington employs instructors that have years of experience in various weapons. Therefore, students have the opportunity to expand their Martial Arts experience beyond the standard Jhoon Rhee curriculum. Also, some students wish to compete at a higher level than our yearly intramural tournaments. Competition may be in weapons, forms or fighting divisions. Along with specific weapons training as noted above, we offer specialized competition classes. These classes are designed to prepare students to compete at “open” martial arts tournaments. In addition, we often offer seminars on a variety of other topics.
Motivation: Our Achievement-Based System
For both KneeHigh Ninjas and Juniors, our belt progression system is specifically designed to keep children motivated and reward them for positive behavior—both inside and outside of the Tae Kwon Do school.
In addition to earning belts, children are also awarded stripes, as a way to build their self-esteem and reward a positive attitude, at home or at school. Both KneeHigh Ninjas and Juniors can be awarded the following stripes:
Red Stripe, the Class Attitude Stripe.
The instructor will give a student this stripe when they show great attitude in class or significant improvement in a certain skill.
Blue Stripe, the Home Stripe.
This stripe is given when a student turns in a note from home or school describing something positive they have done to show great attitude (i.e., saying “Yes Sir/Ma’am,” completing chores without being asked, completing a school assignment, being nice to little brother/sister, etc.) The note will be read in front of class and they will receive a stripe in front of their peers.In our Junior Program, additional stripes are available, such as a White Stripe for academic achievement and Black Stripes for reaching different Tae Kwon Do curriculum goals.
Advanced Knee high Ninjas will also be able to earn academic and curriculum stripes at higher rank levels.
A full description of the belt progression system for each age group (along with other useful information) can be found in our Program Guides.