TKD Life Skills, Inc. Employment Policies

EEO and Diversity Policies

1. Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity

1.1. Equal Employment Opportunity (“EEO”) Policy
1.1.1. Jhoon Rhee (the “Company”) supports and is committed to eliminating unjust and illegal discrimination in the work place. The Company does not discriminate against applicants or employees on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, age, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, political affiliation, or veteran status. Additionally, the Company does not discriminate against applicants or employees on any basis that is prohibited by applicable law. The Company adopts this policy, and will enforce it to be in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. The Company will take reasonable steps to ensure that all applicants and employees receive fair and equal opportunities in regards to personnel matters, including hiring, retention, promotion, termination, job placement, training, working conditions, pay, benefits, transfers, and other employment related decisions.

1.2. Diversity Policy
1.2.1. In addition to the Company’s general EEO policy, the Company has adopted this diversity policy to incorporate into the workplace a variety of employee beliefs and backgrounds and an expectation that all employees will treat each other with appropriate dignity and respect. Under this policy, the Company expects the following:

a) Employees shall communicate and cooperate with each other respectfully.
b) Employees shall treat all other employees, as well as all other people while on Company time and property, with respect and dignity.
c) Employees shall conduct themselves in a way that promotes inclusion of other employees while on Company time, on Company property or during other Company sponsored events.

1.2.2. The Company understands that in a diverse workplace, there will likely be situations where one employee’s personal beliefs conflict with another’s. All employees are entitled to their own beliefs, and the Company’s diversity policy does not require all employees to believe in or accept the beliefs or viewpoints of other employees. However, our policy does require that all employees treat all other employees with dignity and respect regardless of their own personal beliefs. 1.2.3. An employee’s failure to adhere to this diversity policy may result in disciplinary action. If an employee has questions or concerns about complying with this policy, or believes the employee is being treated in a way that conflicts with this policy, that employee should promptly contact Barry Shackelford in person or by emailing or calling or (703) 909-5791.

2. Harassment Policies and Procedures

2.1. The Company does not tolerate or condone the harassment of employees and applicants on the basis of a protected status (including sexual harassment), as defined in our EEO policy or by applicable law.

2.2. Sexual Harassment
2.2.1. Sexual harassment includes generally unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
(1) The employee’s submission to the conduct is implicitly or explicitly required for the employee to keep the employee’s job or position,
(2) The employee’s submission or non-submission to the conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting that employee, or
(3) The conduct has the effect of creating an intimidating and hostile work environment that unreasonably interferes with the employee’s ability to perform employee’s work.

2.2.2. In addition to the general conduct outlined above, sexual harassment may include (but is not limited to):
(1) Sexual “kidding,” “teasing,” or “joking,”
(2) Repeated sexual propositioning, requests, or advances,
(3) Repeated or continued sexually charged verbal abuse,
(4) Sexually graphic or degrading comments about a person or person’s appearance,
(5) Displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures,
(6) Subtly pressuring a person to submit to sexual activity, or
(7) Inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact.

2.2.3. Sexual harassment does not include occasional socially acceptable compliments or consensual interpersonal relationships that do not have a discriminatory effect on a person’s employment.

2.2.4. No employee should be subjected to sexual harassment (including harassment by a people with a business relationship with the Company) nor led to believe that submission to such harassment is tolerated in the workplace, or a condition of employment or employee benefits.

2.3. Other Unlawful Harassment
2.3.1. The Company also does not tolerate harassment based upon any other protected class outlined in the Company’s EEO policy. Harassment includes jokes, verbal abuse, epithets, degrading comments, the display of offensive objects and pictures, and other conduct that the person might reasonably find offensive.

2.4. Scope of Policy
2.4.1. This policy includes and covers interactions between employees, prospective employees, students, parents and anyone with a current or prospective business relationship with the Company. Employees should not subject any of the individuals above to any sort of prohibited harassment. Likewise, employees should not be required to be subject to any sort of prohibited harassment from any of the individuals above. If any of the individuals above harass an employee, that employee should immediately notify Barry Shackelford in person or by emailing or calling or (703) 909-5791.

2.5. Steps to Lodge a Complaint
2.5.1. If an employee believes that he or she has been subjected to illegal or improper harassment in violation of the Company’s harassment policy, the employee should take the following steps:
(1) If reasonably possible, notify the harasser immediately and firmly that the harasser’s conduct is unwelcome and unacceptable. (However, the Company realizes that power or status disparity between the employee and the harasser often makes it difficult or impossible for the employee to confront the harasser, and such a confrontation is not required before lodging a complaint.)
(2) Immediately notify Barry Shackelford.
(3) Cooperate with the Company’s investigation of the complaint.

2.5.2. The Company takes steps reasonably necessary to investigate all complaints, maintain employee privacy and confidentiality and discipline the harasser or prevent future harassment.However, the Company cannot guarantee total confidentiality, but does maintain confidentiality to the extent possible while also carrying out its dutyunder applicable laws and reasonable business practices to adequately investigate any complaint.

2.5.3. Investigations will likely involve questioning the employee, the harasser and any other witnesses to facts relevant to the complaint. In accordance with applicable law, no employee will be subject to retaliation for lodging a complaint or cooperating in any harassment investigation. If any investigation finds that an employee violated the Company’s harassment policy, that employee will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination. If any investigation finds that a non-employee listed above harassed an employee, the Company will take reasonable steps under applicable law to remedy and prevent any future harassment.

2.5.4. It is important to the Company to maintain a work environment free from intimidation and harassment. If an employee has any questions regarding this policy, they should contact Barry Shackelford in person or by emailing or calling or (703) 909-5791.

Leave Policy for Full Time/Salary Staff

Each full-time salaried employee will receive, as an employee benefit, a certain number of hours of “Leave” (considered general leave which can be used as “Vacation Leave” or “Sick Leave”) for the year. This is outside of the following “paid leave” that employees also receive as benefits:

  1. A total of 21-23 Days off during our 3 Annual Breaks, as follows:
    1. Spring Break (approximately 7 days)
    2. Summer Break (approximately 7 days)
    3. Winter Break (approximately 7-10 days)
  2. Holidays (approximately 6 days: typically July 4, Labor Day, some Oct. 31 (Halloween), Thanksgiving (Thur.,Fri., & Sat.)
  3. Additional “Days Off” as indicated in employee agreement


Details of “Leave” and “Leave Use”

  1. Leave cannot be “carried over” from one year to the next (i.e., this is “use or lose” leave)
  2. Leave must be tracked and be current in each pay stub
  3. Leave (other than for illness) must be requested (via email ) at least 10 working days prior to requested leave date; requests should be directed to Master Hawk
  4. Leave (for illness) must be requested as soon as possible (by voice/text)
  5. Employees, depending on the regular number of days worked per week (i.e., 5 days or 6 days in order to reach a “40 hour work week”) will have their leave use calculated as follows:
    1. For employees working 5 days per week: Average of 8 hours per day
    2. For employees working 6 days per week: Average of 6.5 hours per day
  6. Employees may request to not use their leave for any specific day by requesting to work “Comp Time” for the hours missed. This request must be made via email to Master Shackelford. This comp time must also be worked during the same pay period as the missed time. If an employee wishes to work the comp time during hours other than the pay period in which leave was used, then they must also request this via email to Master Shackelford.
  7. For comp time, the hours missed during “class time” (during regularly scheduled classes) must be worked during “class time” on another day. Other hours may be made up by coming in early or leaving later.
  8. For leave used during a partial day absence (i.e., leaving early or coming in late) then leave will be calculated as appropriate, based on the employee’s average number of days worked per week and when s/he arrived/left during the “class time” hours on the day under consideration.

Leave Policy for Part-time/Hourly Staff

Your work schedule will be arranged in collaboration with Master Hawk. You are to keep the “staff availability” worksheet up to date. Master Hawk will email with your work hours. You are expected to be at work, changed into appropriate school uniform, and ready to go at your “start time.” You should “clock in” at your start time (unless a senior staff member asks if you would like to begin sooner- if you are prepared and willing.) You should “clock out” after your shift. Please ask a senior staff member if there is anything else you can do before clocking out. Then, clock out before you change out of your uniform.

Once your schedule has been set and you realize a conflict exists, you must contact Master Hawk to discuss options as soon as possible. If you are unable to work on any scheduled day (illness, emergency, etc.) you must contact Master Hawk as soon as possible.

Teaching Safely Policy

All instructors are trained in the Jhoon Rhee Tae Kwon Do curriculum in regard to the correct method of performing, demonstrating and teaching techniques to ensure the safety of both instructors and students.

Although our sparring style is “light” or “semi-contact,” all instructors are required to wear safety equipment while sparring. (Adult [18 years old and older] Black Belt Staff Instructors may choose to not wear chest guards- as is consistent with the North America Karate Association (NASKA) and the Jhoon Rhee Institute tournament guidelines.)

Regular staff classes are held (for staff instructors) to continue to develop their skills, and ascertain if instructors are performing techniques correctly and safely.

Regular staff meetings and part-time staff trainings are held to discuss various issues that may arise within the work environment, including issues of health, wellness and safety of staff and students.

Staff Supervision Policy

Assistant/Junior Instructors will be supervised on an “ongoing” basis by Management Team/Senior Instructors. Senior Instructors may use the standard “Instructor Feedback Forms” and/or immediate verbal feedback.

In addition, as mentioned in our “Teaching Safely” guideline: Regular staff classes are held (for staff instructors only) to continue to develop their skills, and ascertain if instructors are performing techniques correctly and safely.

Private Lesson Policy

Any private lessons taught before or after regular class hours (Sundays included) must be taught with the parent or guardian of the child present at the studio. Parents/guardians cannot leave the student alone with the instructor while the lesson is being taught (for any reason).

Any private discussions that a student would like to have with an instructor (without a parent present) outside of normal class hours must be held in a public location; i.e. public restaurant, sidewalk sitting/eating area, etc. These types of meetings must not be held in the studio or an office.

Jury Duty Policy

All salaried employees will receive their normal pay (minus any “jury fees” that the employee is paid) while on “Jury Duty” so long as the absence from work does not exceed two weeks.

All hourly full time employees (35 hours per week or more) will receive their normal pay (minus any “jury fees” that the employee is paid) while on “Jury Duty” so long as the absence from work does not exceed 7 days. Pay will be calculated based on weekly averages of hours worked.

All hourly part-time employees will not receive pay when they are serving jury duty but will be excused from work.

For salary/full time employees, compensation will also be paid during regular vacation/holiday absences.

Employees are required to provide employer with a copy of the jury summons.

If an employee is “not called” to jury duty on a given day, then the employee is expected to report to work.

Even though most employees of Jhoon Rhee Tae Kwon Do work most of their hours after jury duty would end, employees will be excused from work for the entire day. The exception to this would be if the jury duty for any given day was only for half a day. In this situation, the employee may come to work for the “remainder” of the day. With this policy, employees who serve 8 hours of jury duty do not have to come to work (and be exhausted at work and/or exhausted at jury duty the next day.)

Professional Appearance Policy

All employees are representatives of Jhoon Rhee Tae Kwon Do. Therefore, employees should go above and beyond to make a professional and favorable impression, not just with students, but with their family members, and any potential new customers. The goal of all employees should be the overall success of the studio.

Also, as you know, students (especially our youngest) can be distracted easily. The appearance of instructors is something that can cause distraction. Although Jhoon Rhee Tae Kwon Do is a ‘casual’ work environment, our professional appearance / “dress code” is as follows:

  1. Employees should present themselves in a professional manner by wearing their Tae Kwon Do uniforms and belts, unless the day’s tasks require otherwise. Uniforms should be clean, free of holes or tears, pressed when needed, and belts should be tied correctly.
  2. Clothing worn to/from work should not be too revealing or include profanity/offensive text or graphics.
  3. Avoid “loud” or distracting nail polish, hair color/cut, or jewelry, which can be considered unprofessional and/or distracting to young students.
  4. All employees should maintain an acceptable level of bodily hygiene to ensure that interactions with other staff and customers remain positive and pleasant.

We recognize that these are broad guidelines that do not address all situations and circumstances, please let us know if you have any specific questions.

Facility Emergency Plan

First Draft July 2007; Updated April 2009; Updated Jan. 2013, Updated July 2022

This protocol was developed to facilitate appropriate responses to various “emergency” situations that may result in the school and to mitigate their negative impact. This protocol is to be discussed regularly in staff meetings and changes should be implemented as needed. Appropriate information is to be communicated to students/parents through memos/notices via email and/or website as needed.For purposes of this protocol, “emergency” situations that are to be addressed include:

1.Fire (within the school or within the Shopping Center)
2.Other need to evacuate (bomb threat, etc.)
3.Medical Emergency
4.Violent episode (including suspected child/sex abuse)
5.Emergency Preparedness-Reverse Evacuation; Need for “Shelter in Place” as directed by the Authorities.

Definitions (for purposes of this plan):“Medical Emergency” –Any situation where a student, parent, visitor or staff member has a sudden onset of a medical or behavioral condition that manifests itself by symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) for which a “prudent lay person” (possessing an average knowledge of medicine and health) could reasonably expect that the absence of immediate medical attention could result in any of the following:

  • Placing the health of the afflicted person in serious jeopardy (or, in the case of a behavioral condition, placing the health of the afflicted person or others in serious jeopardy.)
  • Serious impairment to bodily functions.
  • Serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
  • Serious disfigurement.

“School” –The 3200 sq. foot ‘Floor A’ and the 4000 sq. foot ‘Floor B’ of the Jhoon Rhee Tae Kwon Do School in Arlington, VA.“Shopping Center” –The entire Lee Harrison Shopping Center
“Threat of Fire” –A report received in the School that there is a fire in the immediate vicinity of the school (i.e., in another business within the Shopping Center.)
“Violent Episode” -Any physical assault, threatening behavior or verbal abuse occurring in the school. These violent acts include homicide, forcible sex offenses, kidnapping, assault, robbery, menacing, reckless endangerment, harassment, disorderly conduct, berating language, physical or verbal threats or vandalism of personal property as well as known or suspected child physical/sexual abuse.

“Emergency Preparedness-Reverse Evacuation” –Any need for “Shelter in Place” as directed by the Authorities, such as extremely severe weather or community disaster/ emergency, act of terrorism, etc.
1.Fire or Threat of Fire
If there is a fire within the school, staff would first begin to evacuate the students (see Functional Protocol: Remote Evacuation) and attempt to extinguish the fire by utilizing the school’s fire extinguisher if appropriate. If utilizing the fire extinguisher is not appropriate or not sufficient, then staff should immediately call 911 and evacuate the premises. (See Remote Evacuation Protocol). In the event of a “threat of fire,” staff should first be sure to confirm that there is in fact a fire within the vicinity of the school. After confirmation is received, staff members would begin evacuation procedures unless it has been confirmed that the fire is contained and there is no need to evacuate.
2.Other Need to Evacuate
If there is any other need to evacuate the premises, then the following Remote Evacuation Protocol should be implemented.
3.Medical Emergency
In case of a medical emergency, staff should immediately call 911. Also, staff who are certified in CPR may initiate this procedure if it is determined appropriate. To expedite the arrival of medical personnel, a staff member should wait in the parking lot to help direct medical personnel to the premises.
4.Violent episode
In case of a violent episode, staff should call 911, and evacuate the premises as appropriate.
In the case of suspected child physical/sex abuse, the employee must immediately inform the President of the company whom will take appropriate action including contacting the appropriate authorities including the local police and/or child protective services.
5.Emergency Preparedness-Reverse Evacuation; Need for “Shelter in Place” as directed by the Authorities.
In case of a call from authorities to “shelter in place”, then the school’s Reverse Evacuation Protocol shall be implemented.

Functional Protocol: Remote Evacuation

This protocol is used for any evacuation where students, parents and staff will need to evacuate the school; i.e., fire, bomb threat,etc.

Lead Staff Response
Make the announcement to students and parents that the school is being evacuated for safety reasons.

Staff Response
Assemble students and proceed to the nearest appropriate exit as follows:

Floor A: First Option: The exit door at the back of the school (exit from the mat area)
If Option One is not available (fire in the back of the building, etc.) then students shall exit at the top of the stairs closest to the main school.

Floor B:First Option: The back double doors beyond Protea Diamonds
If Option One is not available, then students shall exit at the top of the stairs that are just outside Floor B.)
If neither option is available, then students/staff shall utilize the next appropriate/closest exit.

Students will not pause to place their shoes on or gather their belongings. (Students will line their shoes up outside of the exit doors if/when there is a planned drill to prevent any potential drill injuries while walking to the rally point.)

One (or more) instructors will take all of the students and one instructor will ensure that no one is left behind (checking in the changing rooms, etc.) and then join the group. (If parents attempt to take their child separately, ask them to exit with the group to the “meeting location” as noted below.) Students and staff should then assemble in the exterior area of/parking lot to the side of Duck Donuts. If this location is not appropriate, then the second option location is the parking lot to the side of the Urgent Care (stand alone building, see map.) Staff members will “call roll” and, with the help of class roster to ensure all students are accounted for.

Ensure that staff waits with all students until their parent/guardian arrives.
Ensure that any special needs persons in your area of responsibility are assisted during the evacuation.
Evacuation routes and waiting location are posted above the fire extinguisher and/or by exit doors on both floors, on our website and in our student manual (to help ensure that parents know where to go to pick up their child in case they are not in the lobby when we evacuate.)

Functional Protocol: Reverse Evacuation-Shelter In Place
This protocol is used for any situation where students, parents and staff will need to “shelter in place” as directed by local/government and/or other “authorities.”

Lead Staff Response
Make the announcement to students and parents that the school has been directed to “shelter in place” for safety reasons.

Staff Response
Close the school.
Staff should bring all students/parents/visitors inside the school (unless crowding is an issue, all students and parents will be assembled in “Floor A”.) If authorities have informed there is danger of an explosion, assemble as far away from storefront windows as practically possible. Ensure all outside doors are locked. Ensure all fans, heating and air conditioning systems are turned off. Ensure that all essential disaster supplies such as non perishable food, bottled water, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, etc. are gathered. Provide for a staff member to answer phone calls and/or change outgoing phone message to indicate the school is closed and that students and staff are remaining in the school until authorities advise that it is safe to leave. Students/parents with cell phones may use them to call family to inform them they are safe and have been advised to remain in the school until further notice.If directed by authorities, utilize plastic bags and duct tape to seal all cracks around doors and vents in the room.Write down the names of everyone in the school and make this available to authorities or appropriate callers as needed.

Continue to listen for official announcements from County or other government officials via the emergency alert system (and/or via internet as long as electrical power is available.) (County officials may call for evacuation of specific areas in greatest risk.)

Additional Procedures
For all incidences, (fire, evacuation, medical emergency, violent episode, etc.) the staff involved will document the incident utilizing the Incident Report Template. Also, for appropriate situations, staff may be offered Critical Incident Stress Management services (through Arlington County and/or other mental health/CISM service centers) to mitigate any negative psychological and/or emotional symptoms/reactions to an event.

Ensure that the following are always in the school:Non-perishable food, Bottled water/juice boxes, Flashlights, Radio, Batteries, Duct tape, Plastic sheeting or Plastic bags, Hard wired phone. Ensure that staff training about these protocols is conducted on a regular basis